by Onassis, out of Firm Stand xx by Norcliffe

dam of Canzonetta and Copernicus

Being bred to Baron Verdi for 2009

photo P.Norton

Chargemore xx
by Unbendable Charger xx, out of Lassmore xx by Advocator xx

dam of Chaminade, Charly's Angel and Chakra

In foal to Tycoon for 2009

photo S.Ritchie

6/29/96, (OSB-A-M1906)
by Pregelstrand, out of Pathetique by Ibikus

dam of Paulette and Primero

Filly at side by Platinum vom Rappenhof
In foal to Radscha for 2009

photo P.Norton

Charly's Angel
ORB-B-M1722, 6/7/03, filly
by Pyatt Charly, out of Chargemore xx

In foal to Baron Verdi for 2009


photo P.Norton


1993 bay mare,
by Memphis out of Christrose by Mahagoni

dam of Copernica

Colt at side by Feingeist
In foal to Kostolany for 2009


photo S.Ritchie


Shades O'Velvet
dam of Beau Velvet


Grand Marnier
dam of Grandioso

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